I do not personally know any such person, but I do know of at least one claiming to have been diagnosed in 1963 with late-stage pancreatic cancer; William Kelley, who died in January 2005. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, so to speak, over the intervening years. Good luck and best wishes seeking a solution.
"I speak as a cancer patient who 7 years ago was sent home to die by a doctor who told me there was nothing more traditional medicine could do for me…One of the doctors who performed my surgery told me that I had the fastest growing type known to man and cobalt and chemo would not help me…If I had accepted the advice of my doctor, if I had not been directed to Dr. Kelley, I would be another cancer statistic."—Pat Judson, 1972, to Michigan State Legislature
Dr. Kelley was a brilliant cancer researcher and, after curing himself in 1963 of metastasized pancreatic cancer, never wavered in his belief that pancreatic enzymes, coffee enemas, and a diet based on your particular metabolic type are, together, the answer to healing and preventing cancer.
William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., Overcomes Pancreatic Cancer in 1963
Dr. Kelley, in 1963, when he was 37 years old, was diagnosed with metastasized pancreatic cancer. The doctors did a series of X-rays that showed that he had lesions in his lungs, a huge tumor in his right hip, his liver was swollen to three times it’s normal size and it appeared that he had a pancreatic tumor that had metastasized very quickly. The surgeon said Kelley was too sick to operate on and told Mrs. Kelley (his wife and the mother of his four children) that he had 4 to 8 weeks to live.
Dr. Kelley went home and began researching cancer. He read that in 1906 a Scottish embryologist, Dr John Beard, proposed that pancreatic enzymes represented the body’s main defense against cancer
PS - after initially posting this reply, I did a bit more reading and study of a few other people who became in some way connected the Kelley protocol, and turned up at least one currently practicing doctor, Nicolas J. Gonzalez. Found some interesting info regarding his current methods of treating pancreatic cancer. http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/maver_article.htm