If you think your Paw Paw is working carry on, what I would say is that if its a supplement theres nothing better than the REAL fruit itself. I would suggest to you to take a look at this site
http://www.sulis-health.co.uk/index2.html in the U.K which sells a Papaya concentrate drink called papaya 35 and 50 which also contains some KOMBUCHA tea. They also sell the paw paw leaf tea! I do not know how good the products are but they might be worth a try. Any highly enzymed food is amazing for Cancer especially PINEAPPLE and PAPAYA. They strip the negatively charged coating off the Cancer cells allowing the negatively charged white blood cells to enter and destroy the rest of the Cancer which is positive (pos attracts neg).
I strongly recommend you follow my advice on diet etc which I've learnt from the masters like
Richard Schulze , Charlotte Gerson, Lorraine Day. Remember that in order to make sure the body doesn't get the cancer back the cause in the first place if viral, bacterial, chemical etc needs to be removed and addressed. If it was just stress etc then you may be lucky, this is why a WHOLE body approach is done. Many who don't go this route but think they've cured their cancer get it back.