What Really Causes AIDS
Movie actor Steve McQueen had completely cured his own CANCER using our Metabolic Program and had made plans to expose and "blow the lid off the cancer racket". Before he could accomplish this, he was murdered as only the Establishment can do it with all the fanfare and news media to destroy my program.
When this failed, the Establishment's next plan was to send a mole or infiltrator into the Kelley organization so that as close a call as the McQueen episode could never happen again.
A psychotic Cornell medical student, who had failed after the second year in medical school - was wandering in and out of the unorthodox medical community looking for help for his own mental instability and illness. During this fruitless search, Gonzalez stumbled onto the Kelley Program which he mentioned to his psychiatrist.
With the help of his psychoanalyst Colter Rule, M.D. and wife Betty Gessels, M.D., high level Establishment members in NYC, they, with this pathological liar, and a major faction of the Establishment forced Robert A. Good, Ph.D., M.D., President of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center/Institute, to sponsor the Nicholas J. Gonzalez' review of Kelley's records and expose Kelley as a quack.
This project, being most important to the Establishment, led Cornell Medical School to reinstate the pathological liar as a 3rd year medical student under Good's supervision for this project dealing with the Kelley Program.
The infighting of the Medical Establishment over this project forced the most renowned medical researcher of all history to be fired and dismissed from Sloan Kettering and shipped out to Oklahoma City.
The Establishment gave the green light to Gonzalez to carefully investigate the Kelley Program and get the information to expose me as a fraud. This backfired on the Big Establishment as the second communication from Gonzalez to Good after Gonzalez reviewed the first 139 of thousands of records in my possession show.
Robert A. Good, M.D., Ph.D. 2 September
Medical Research Foundation
(at Oklahoma Allergy Clinic)
50 N.E. 13th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Dear Dr. Good,
I hadn't meant to write you so soon again, but I've just finished sifting through the first 139 of Dr. Kelley's patient records and found the initial results interesting enough to pass on my findings. While I intend to concentrate on the cancers we discussed - pancreatic, colon, lung, perhaps breast - I've included all the initial results just for interest's sake.
Again, as I wrote in my first letter to you' I do not yet have the actual biopsy reports or other lab data documenting the diagnosis, but I have found Dr. Kelley does keep information regarding how the tumors were diagnosed.
I found these results, particularly for pancreatic, quite intriguing. His overall survival rate for all cancer in this first group is 93% - and as I have found going through Dr. Kelley's records, virtually all of his patients have advanced disease. Many have come to him because no further conventional treatment could be offered.
Nick Gonzalez
Worshipping chemo? I terminated my own chemo against the wishes of my onc. My advice has always been for the patient to ask their onc the tough quesiotns, and never use chemo in situations where it has not been shown to have real life-saving protential. Remember that Lance Armstrong went through chemo (advanced Testicular cancer patients now have 50%-%70 cure rate on chemo (granted that TC is one of the more simple types of cancer at the cellular level.
Kelley was a genius who went over the edge. In his last days, he was drinking coke, and spent 100% of his time printing anti-sematic pamphlets. Speaking of which, by your links, I note that you seem to have an interest in anti-semitism as well.
If you have read the patient histories in Gerson & Clark's book, you will see that both had patients that did not make it. If Either Hulda Clark or Gerson had the "cure" then they would not have had such profiles. Personally, I favor Gerson,and do not recomend Clark, but at least she was honest to show that patients she treated died all the same.
As far as Aids/HIV, I don't know that the root issue is, but my wifes uncle died of aids in the 80's, before there were any protease drug cocktails being offered to patients. THere is a disease problem.
Now get back to your web site development, and please remember that I am not worthy of a response.
just want to give you a heads up about lance armstrong,what lance forgets to tell people and refuses to tell people is that he aslo did h2o2 therapy(hydrogen peroxide) food grade which is being used to great success all over the country.He cannot say he does it because hes under contract by the drug cos that the only commercial you see him promoting,the cancer he had can be cured with just about everything i know first hand how useless chemo and its a big sham,
take care
My world is the world of real patients fighting for their lives, not 2Tuff's world of Conspiracy theories, space aliens, and evil "medical mafias" dominated by "Sanhedrin Jews".
I only wish people knew what reality really was then I wouldn't get attacked by ignornant or establishment shills that lurk on this forum to suppress people from giving advice which works and is proven.
To people reading this, no one can cure everyone of Cancer for the simple fact some people leave it way to late and the majority of deaths that occur even under the direction of the big name doctors is because of this. If your liver has been almost destroyed by Cancer then you could get rid of the Cancer then have the organ fail at a latter time. The fact is that Cancer is curable if caught and yes theres many great doctors who've cured great amounts of TERMINAL patients also. I promote HOPE and this is one of the biggest helps in peoples health situations. People already realise that Cancer is a killer and it comes with its worries. People don't need to keep hearing scare stories and no hope stories. They need realistic information and hope also. There will never really be a cure for Cancer because Cancer degrades and destroys the body/tissue etc. So therefore like above even if their was a miracle injection the dead organ will still die if its too shot.
This message isn't directed at the person who thinks they know reality. Its for everyone and I hope people latch onto the truths of HIV and AIDS. I have a question for everyone and that is `What is Reality?' You are taught everything by the establishment who deceive everyone and teach you what they want and almost nothing of worth except language and maths even the discipline and order aren't being taught anymore and schools teach even less with more dysfunctional, illiterate and dumb children. So peoples reality is what someone else who is decieving them has given to them. Day by day we uncover more lies from the establishment and people who come here should understand this from the alternative health world which turns the medical lies upside down, shakes them around and chucks them in the trash can most times at least. Science is a con and when a scientist thinks out of the box and finds something or has ideas he is put in line or fired. Toe the line or else because we don't want humanity finding out what is really going on, how powerful they really are and how Ether, Orgone and many other findings are around and can be utilised for the good of man for energy and health.
I often ask why I bother arguing with bafoons out to cause trouble, but I defend myself because theres plenty of people out there who will believe some of these idiotic attacks. You see when people are worried about treating themselves they look for any excuse to not do it and go back to the doctor. When they see infiltrators or ignorant people putting people off someone etc they flee with the excuse they wanted, you see they didn't really want to do it in the first place. I understand some people would wonder if what I say is true because I study some strange topics to most but again research the net and you will find everything I talk about, talked about by the big doctors who I learnt it all off. Health is just one hobby of mine and I will not shut my mouth to please the few its that simple. No ONE owns me and if anyone does it would be my mother!
by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
However, I do think people are too quick to accept everything the Establishment serves us as truth - and anyone who questions or challenges that is labeled a "conspiracy theorist". All one has to do is look at Enron and Watergate,etc.. to know many in power are not looking out for our best interests.
I dont believe in going to extremes- but every article 2Tuff posted I found very informative and interesting. His/her posts keep me alert and remind me take my health into my own hands - not to expect corporations,government and especially pharmecuetical companies to care for my health and wellbeing.
I aggree that too many people accept whatever the doctor pushes without question, especially with cancer. But if you peruse this thread, you will find that many people take advice from anonymous health "experts" in the same way.
There is always some grain of truth in even the most outlandish post. It's wise to keep an open mind- weighing what you read, but also considering that some things just could have some basis of truth. None of us know everything of what goes on behind the scenes in any part of our society.
Once in a while, things are accidentally exposed- never being intended for the public's eye or ears (as in Watergate) Thank God for the sincere investigative reporters who arent afraid to delve deeper into matters.
I think you have it backwards. This place would be better without your insults and bad info. There are lots of people that have good diets and still get cancer. Gerson has cured people, but a lot of people need something that attacks the tumors directly, included with good nutrition, and cleaning the body.
You do promote chemo, which is the WORST way to attack tumors. You seem to be 1/2 doctor and 1/2 alternative therapist, like Dr. Moss. Chemo is a WMD!
Lance did use ozone/H2O2 by the way too.
Also weather 2tuff believes in the other stuff like aliens, or what ever, makes no diference in what he knows about cancer. He may not have had cancer, like me, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about, like me. He has still been to the battle line and has won, like me. He is bull headed like all three of us are, but I have never seen him attack someone personally like you do.
Him saying cancer can be cured easily is right on! I believe I may have done a post on that first 2tuff? hehe Anyway, that fact is true no matter who says it. It is no harder to cure than any other "incurable" disease.
You seem to be lost in the medical maze of how each cancer is different from other cancers, thus they have to be attacked differently. Haven't you learned ALL cancer cells lack the 4 enzymes ALL healthy cells have that prevents them from being oxidized? Haven't you learned cancer can't survive in a high oxygen environment? Have you heard of heart cancer? It doesn't exist. Ozone will kill ANY tumor EVERY TIME, if you can get the ozone to it in high enough quanities. Cancer cells are weak actually. They were weak in the first place, or they wouldn't have changed into cancer cells. They are sub-human cells, that only know how to survive and multiply, like mold. ALL cancer cells are too weak to process oxygen, and they ALL process Sugar for energy. They're ALL the same! They can ALL be oxidized easily, just like fungus, molds, bacteria, and virus can. Expose bacteria or virus to open air for 24-48 hrs, and what? They die! Haven't you learned the most important thing for your body is oxygen? 7 mins. without it and your dead. EVERY healthy cell cries out for oxygen, and EVERY unhealthy cell dies in oxygen. What could be more perfect. Keep the healthy cells healthy, and kill the unhealthy cells. OZONE! It's not rocket Science here. Chemo? Kill ALL cells. You can promote it and tell others you "see their folly", and judge their cancer advise, by things other than cancer advise. You confuse more, and stress out more people with cancer than you help. Attacking people is a cancer in itself. As for me, I see the folly too.
Take Care,
I don't promote chemo. For most carcinomas, I totally reject it, as it is statistically useless. I don;t just hold up Lance Armstrong, overall survival prognosis for advanced testicular cancer is quite good, when it used to be effectivel nil. THis is because TC has easily exploited weaknesses, which the medical community has not eastablished for other carcinonmas.
I am not anonymous. I will gladly provide contact information for anybody on this thread who desires. I sign all my posts by my first name.
My own conclusion is that metastatic tumors consist of weak mutated tissue cells as well as potent cancerous stem cells. THe stem cells are not weak, they are aggressive and virile, and they are the ones that cause metastisis. THis is why the absurd medical fixation on shrinking tumors is an utter failure. The chemo destroys the weak tumor cells, but not the aggressive ones, and perhaps creates an environment where the metastatic cells can more freely move. The success with enzymes has been because they can attack stem cells. Feverfew has also recently been discoverd to attack malignant stem cells.
My only problme with your posts on ozone is your constant "any cancer, all the time" claim. There is no such treatment that can cure any cancer all the time. You should know this. Just read the books. Hulda Clark had failures, Gerson had failures, Kelley had failures, and the users of ozone that I am familiar with also had failures. My conclusion is that the best hope for anybody with advanced cancer is aggressive nutritional therapy (I will include ozone, though I can not vouch for its efficacy). However, every cancer patient (as well as all of you "healthies" out there), must understand that we all must die. There are no guarantees, except that we are guaranteed to die.
I would hope that every cancer patient would consider death more significant than life, for our destiny is eternal. Once we shuffle off this mortal coil, there remains only one question. Do we live in the presence of the One True God, or apart from Him? Should we expend all of our time trying to live a few years, and die not even knowing our Creator? As for me, I fight to live, but to die is gain.
When I said weak, I said it because they don't have the 4 enzymes needed to NOT be oxidized. You are right, the cells "are aggressive and virile". Without the 4 enzymes, they can easily be killed, and with using ozone, can be done without hurting, but actually helping the healthy cells. What I'm saying is cancer cells have a big hole in their armor. They may be strong and aggressive, but can easily be killed.
I did and do say "any cancer, all the time", but I also said IF you can get the ozone to the tumor in a large enough amount. Some tumors are hard to get to, and you have to kill a few more than are being produced to win the battle.
The problem I see is you only read the first part of what I say, and write it off as false, and don't read or maybe remember the part that explains why I say it.
Yes Clark, Gerson, and Kelly have had failures, and yes there are failures with ozone. Clark is on the right track, in that toxins are a BIG cause for cancer. Gerson fails because nutrition isn't the only thing needed to cure cancer, it doesn't attack the tumors. I think Kelly is into nutrition too, but not to sure, but if he is, his problem is the same as Gersons.
The failures in ozone are the reason I gave you that are needed to cure the cancer, either not getting to the tumor, or not in large enough amounts. Ozone is not a fast cure, or an easy one if you have to apply it to the skin. The ozone rash can be really hard to bare. The determined that apply it properly win though.
The winning formula for beating cancer is like changing the oil in your car. Remove the bad oil, (toxins) change the filter, (doing cleanses) and putting good oil back in, (good nutrition, which can include several things). Ozone oxidizes the toxins, (all but 6 or 7) cleans the organs (still do the liver and bowel cleanses) gives the cells a good supply of oxygen, and boosts the immune system, which is broke in people with cancer. Toxins and or bad nutrition (when I say nutrition, that includes ozone) are always the cause for all disease. The cure is the opposite. There's not one disease you can't say that for. Really look into it.
You say you don't promote traditional treatments. Here's a quote "THeir focus should be on well-docmuentd and effective treatments from both traditional and natural disciplines." //www.curezone.org/forums/m.asp?f=254&i=2439
While what you say here is true about chemo, you still promote it, and say we'd be foolish not to use it. "Recent advances in advanced testicular cancer chemo have excellent results (just ask Lance Armstrong). A person with one of these cancers would be foolish to forgo standard treatment." //www.curezone.org/forums/m.asp?f=254&i=2356 I know you promoted it in other posts so...
I also wasn't "holding up Lance Armstrong" as proof for ozone. Someone else was talking to you about him, and I just backed up what he was saying.
You also keep claiming that people are "anonymous internet posters". What do you think we all are, including you? None of us know each other. I always give my email address to who ever, but you still don't know me. so...
Oh ya, in your other latest post about 2tuff, you're still judging him about his health info. by things that have nothing to do with health. Does that make sense? That's like me saying Lance Amrstrong is a bad dad because he rides bikes.
David, I totally agree with you on God. I'm Christian too. Non-Conventional, but Christian. I don't try to live longer because I love this life. I try to live the life God would want me to as long as I can, and promote God, and the things God gave us to live long healthy lives. When I die, I want to be able to go before God and say I gave it all I got, and have God smile at me. That is why I usually sit back and try not to interfere with what people say in here to much, but when I feel someone has been treated unjustly then I'm all over it! I usually don't get involved in things I'm not sure about in here, unless I have proof otherwise. I only ask the same from you brother. Remember, "judge not lest"? :-)
Take Care David,
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