A Diet Plan Using Laetrile by Dr. Philip E. Binzel Jr., MD
Dr. Binzel was an early small-town doctor who treated hundreds of patients who had cancer. He maintained that you seldom really get rid of cancer, but you can still live a long and relatively healthy life after you get it if you treat it properly. His focus was nutrition and laetrile. You can read about it in his book Alive and Well (American Media, Westlake Village CA, 1994). Here is a summary of his vitamin/enzyme, nitriloside, diet plan (consult a doctor before starting on this or any other program - your needs may be extraordinary):
1. Vitamins and Enzymes - taken with or just after meals, not on an empty stomach
Multiple vitamins - 1 twice a day
Vitamin C - 1 Gram twice a day
Vitamin E - 400 units twice a day
Megazyme Forte (trypsin, Chymotrypsin, bromalin, zinc) - 2 three times a day
Pangamic acid (vitamin B15)- 1 three times a day
Pro-A-Mulsion (25,000 I.U. Vitamin A per drop) - 5 drops a day
2. Nitrilosides - Amygdalin (Laetrile, or Vitamin B17) - see my references page for sources - Start this part of the program only after being on the vitamins and enzymes for ten days to two weeks. If you start too soon, the laetrile will not do any good because the body needs plenty of vitamin C to heal and Zinc to carry the laetrile to the cells.
Increase the dosage of C - start taking more C by adding 1 gram a day till you are taking 6 grams a day. Start doing this this at the same time you start taking the laetrile.
Tablets - Take two 500-mg tablets orally on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (on the days when you are not taking the vials intravenously). Take the tablets at bedtime with plenty of water but no juices on an empty stomach. Juices and food contain enzymes that weaken the effects of the laetrile, but this does not happen on an empty stomach.
Take 3-gram vials intravenously using a 2 minute IV push per vial every other day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), three days a week for three weeks. Do NOT take the vitamin A on these days. It may interfere with your body's ability to metabolize the laetrile. Do not take laetrile tablets on the days you are taking the intravenous laetrile. It is a waste of tablets to do this.
Here are the intravenous doses:
First dose - 1 vial (10cc, or 3 grams)
Second dose - 2 vials
Third dose - 2 vials
Fourth through ninth doses - 3 vials
After the first three weeks, take one vial a week for 3 months. If after reducing to once a week the patient feels a big difference, go back to one vial two or three times a week for three weeks, and then reduce the rate to one vial a week.
Get your doctor to monitor the level of thiocynate so that your laetrile tablets regulate it to between 1.2 and 2.5 mg/DL. Increase or decrease the number of tablets you take so as to maintain this level. Remember that there are over a thousand sources of nitrilosides, including the kernels or seeds of apricots, peaches, cherries, grapes, apples, macadamia nuts, and also bean and broccoli sprouts, berries (blue, straw, black), lima beans, and so on. Laetrile as described above is much more effective.