Hello folks,
Forgive the length of this, but I think it’s all meat
My brother has just be diagnosed with 4th stage adenocarcinoma of the lung, with 2 tumors in the brain. He's taking steroilds and radiation to reduce the brain tumors. They are scheduling him for chemo in about 10 days, but I'm looking for alternatives that will appeal to his conservativism and give him a better chance of being alive at the end of 12 months. Right now the conventional odds are a bare 7% with his diagnosis.
I have found promising information on these subjects. Please, my brother’s situation is urgent. Whatever you can add to this, I would be grateful.
1. Pancreatic enzyme therapy. This was based on the original work of Dr. William Donald Kelley, a dentist who found the almost lost work of an embryologist, Dr. John Beard, who connected pancreas activity to the control of cancer. Using Beard’s understanding Kelley saved his own life (inoperable pancreatic cancer—a sure death sentence). In addition, he decided to alkalize his body with a near vegetarian diet and no animal protein. He used
coffee enemas also for detoxing. He subsequently worked with thousands of patients and cured at least half of them.
www.dr-gonzalez.com in NYC is the only conventional M.D. I’ve come across who employs and has worked with Kelley’s protocol. He also includes the next two categories and probably some more.
2. Alkalize the body so the pH is 7.0 to 7.5 – no small task. (Most cancer patients have a pH of 4.0-5.5. (See Otto Warburg, German physician who won the Nobel prize for proving cancer can’t survive an alkaline environment)
So far, there are a number of options for doing that.
a. Consume minerals and raw fruits and vegetables and delete all foods that leave an alkaline ash in the body (all animal protein).
a. cesium (which can be really tough on the system),
b. The Master’s Miracle, soaps for soaks to detox and neutralizers to ingest. I’m experimenting now
c. Microhydrin—so far the most reliable neutralizer. Two at night produces a pH of at least 1.0 improvement the next morning.
d. Have someone else do all food prep, etc for you. Any center using Ann Wigmore’s protocol can help with this: Hippocrates Institute in West Palm (upscale), the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico.
3. Increase the amount of oxygen in the system. Cancer thrives in an anerobic environment (no oxygen)
a. Exercise, yoga, laughing, singing, BREATHE
b. Alkalize
c. HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy). There are now portable cloth units for about $15,000 that have brought the cost way down. This is one of the FDA’s greatest travesties, not only for cancer, but for treatment of stroke, MS, any post operative wound care. Someone should be prosecuted for failing to pursue this one. Somewhere I read that breathing pure oxygen at the bottom of a pool for 90 minutes will accomplish the same thing. Not an option for many of us . . .
4. Cytoluminescent therapy is a one-week treatment being performed in Ireland, Germany, and on trial in the US. It is an advance over photodynamic therapy, and seems to be effective on all tumors so far. (The website address for photodynamic therapy is
http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/7_7.htm.) Cytoluminescent therapy uses a different nutrient that cancer cells pick up in such quantities that they are clearly distinguished from normal cells, and the damage to normal cells is virtually nil when they are bombarded with light. This therapy has been written about in Dr. Whittaker’s newsletter, but as you might imagine, they are overwhelmed with requests. I have heard there is another man in Germany now, doing a similar thing, but perhaps not holding it quite so close to his chest. I’ve also heard there are US trials of this going on in several centers, but haven’t yet tracked them down.
5. Perhaps most important, handle your head. I can say out of my own experience and observing patients in my practice that there are three critical things to do to :
a. Forgive everyone of everything completely and absolutely, no matter what it takes. Use whatever tools you need to: books, psychotherapy, clergy. Resentment acidifies the body, even things you think are long past and may not make any difference today. It’s not easy (I know, I coauthored a book on this and it’s still a challenge), but it is crucial.
b. Find and rescue the part of yourself that wants to die. In my practice of psychotherapy, I have never worked with a cancer patient who didn’t have at least one Inner Child who wanted to die. It is possible to connect with such parts of ourselves and update their frame of reference so they can make a new choice.
c. Learn to be kind and forgiving toward yourself. This is a big subject, but there’s a mountain of good literature out there. Ask me if you are interested in specifics.
Dr. Robert Jay Rowen’s newsletter, Second Opinion is full of great information. The April 2003 newsletter is where I came across HBOT and Dr. Gonzalez.
In addition, I am looking for information on MGN3,
Blessings on all of you seeking help for yourself and loved ones. My heart goes out to you, and I am grateful for your generosity.