This is really a serious post...
I am recently divorced and have lost over 60 lbs to date since January- MC, exercise and extreme lifestyle changes. I am told that I do not look my age - 46 years - and since the weight loss I even look younger and feel younger for that matter.
I am a red-blooded American male and am still attracted to the fairer sex. It has been a long time since I had any real female companionship, so let's face it - I'm on the prowl.
Anyhow, I met this girl at the gym I workout at. She looked like she was in her 20's. It was obvious that there was some chemistry there and the conversation got very friendly. I feel very comfortable around her - all we have done so far is talk while we are working out together - and I believe she is comfortable around me.
Here's where it gets complicated...
She mentioned that she just graduated, so I asked her what her degree was in assuming she meant college, and she said she wasn't starting college till this Fall. I was shocked to find out she was only 18! She knows that I am older than her, but she doesn't realize I am old enough to be her father! (Shoot - I may be older than her father!)
Now I am feeling like a pervert or deviant of some kind. Is this wrong for me to be attracted to a girl this young? I am not just talking physical attraction either, she is witty and has a sweet personality.
I would be straight with her about my age if I continue to nuture this relationship - that alone may scare her away - but if it didn't, I can just imagine what people will say when they find out!
I know that when I had an 18 year old step daughter, if I found out she was seeing a 46 year old divorcee I would be kicking some butt!
Nothing has happened so far, I need some feed back.
So what does everyone think? Am I a sick puppies for even considering this or are we enlightened enough as a modern society that this relationship could actually work.
All comments are welcome...