No, she doesnt talk bout him that much, just that I occasionally have to see him in clubs etc. Which reminds me that she has been in a relationship before and been really close with someone before, which makes me feel that what we have is less special!But exs are something that everyone has to deal with, so I dont see this as major problem.
What is more important, is that we dont seem to stop arguing.We have been arguing since we started goin out, and its causing me a lot of stress and making me loose faith in the relationship. At first i thought it was a mutual thing, until one of my friends came out with us one night and pointed out that my girlfriend was giving me a hard time,(i had unintentionally made a comment about strip clubs, she is very insecure about other girls, so preceeded to spend the rest of the night in a mood with me, refusing to sit next to me, kiss me etc).
These sort of events have happened before, where i unintentionally hurt her in relation to other girls, and she spends the rest of the night punishing me for a 'mistake', not letting me near her etc. It has got to the point where i dont think its particularly fair whats shes doing, and i dont know whether i can keep on dealing with it!It would be devastating right now if the relationship ended, but these sort of events are making me loose faith in the relationship!