Fountain of Youth
So all of us have learned lessons from life. Others will have learned other lessons. I can understand both sides of the issue here. Unfortunately Manson was hurt by her mate. And regardless of what happened, she was hurt. Perhaps he didn't do anything. Perhaps he did. All we can do is speculate. Afterall, we only have a small part of the whole story of their life together, clouded by the language it was told in. We will all interpret the situation based on our past experiences. Some of us are trusting and some of us have been extremely hurt.
I am sure he didn't do it to hurt her intentionally, but she was hurt. Why would he do something like this? Perhaps he needed a closeness that they didn't share at the time. He was tramatized and hurt himself, and needed to do what he felt would make the pain go away. In the end she was hurt because he gave her the space and she felt betrayed because he turned elsewhere.
The only way to deal with this is to deal with it. It will be her choice to continue or not. It may be worth it for her to discover what happened. I am not sure that turning to the girl would be a good avenue either way. The problem is the current relationship. Is it salvagable? Is it worth it? Maybe he made a mistake, in my experience it is quite possible. Could I live with that, maybe...
Either way, I would have compassion for the situation. He asked her to return so maybe she is important to him. Maybe she is just easier to have around. Being outside the situation, we can never know. She asked us for opinions, you offered opinions. I am sure that she appreciates that. It is too bad that this has turned into a war of words.
I think that we all would like her to do is to come to terms with the situation so that she can move on (either with him or without him). So, all we can do is speculate while she can actually act.
It is not worth arguing about who has the correct interpretation of the situation. Do you agree?
Manson, do you believe him? Do you love him? Can you forgive him for this, regardless of what happened? Do you believe he loves you? Is this relationship worth the work? Those questions might be something to ponder so that you can make a decision about what is right for you.
Good luck with this one Manson! We all have your well-being in mind.