I was a non-believer in health food things because I have been one of the lucky ones to be healthy, up until now at age 53, I started having stomach problems, I had classic gallbladder symptoms, right upper quadrant to under shoulder blade in back, I am in the medical field, I am an ultrasound technologist, pain was so bad that I had to go to the doctor, they said with my insurance they couldn't do anything unless they put me in the hospital "now", I said no, and thank you God for telling me to say that, so they were going to set me up for a test, "Hida Scan" a nuclear medicine study, they gave me darvocet for the pain until insurance co. ok'd the test to be done, I had done an ultrasound on myself and found no stones in my gallbladder but the common bile duct was a little dialated, in the meantime being very uncomfortable while waiting to here from the GI doctors office (and never did), I started searching the internet, I never knew you could pass
Gallstones on your own, when I read the web site I said to myself, this is worth trying, not believing it would work, REALLY!!!, but happily it did and I feel GREAT!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! for your website. This is what I used, pure unsweetened apple juice every 2 hrs, no food by mouth after midnight,
Epsom Salts two doses 2 hrs apart late in evening, then grapefruit juice and olive oil mixed (added a little
Sea Salt to help). TRY IT, you won't regret it, and by the way I was very concerned about seeing the stones, no one said that your bowels were so totally empty that thats all you do see, the next morning I passed 3 1.7cm size and the rest smaller, hundreds of them, possibly thousands. My husband was amaized, and happy that I was no longer in pain and feeling un believably great!!!!!