Candex is really nothing but digestive enzymes. Enzymes can have very powerful actions on proteins/bacteria/yeasties, lots of industries use enzymatic solutions as acids to clean things. But really most candida sufferers don't need to be killing the candida so much as replacing the good microbes like acidophilus, cleansing out mucoid placque, and increasing the power of digestion. We simply have too many microbes throughout our entire bodies to even consider going on attack. There is no "smart bomb" that will find and destroy all the billions upon billions of yeasties, it's best to leave that up to our pal, acidophilus. The Candex will stay in the small itnestine for the most part, and the yeasties will escape to other areas of the body.
It's just like fumigating one aparment out of an entire apt complex. The cockroaches go to the next apartment and return when the fumes leave.