Use kinesiology to test whether the RM-10 is right for you. Not everyone responds well to mushroom therapy. Get a friend to do the arm test, that will tell you whether it's right for you. See the FAQ for more instructions.
Tryptophan is the very best thing for insomnia. Valerian stresses the liver a lot, so it's best left for extreme emergencies. Turkey, bananas, are fantastic sources of tryptophan. Calcium also helps cure insomnia. Take 500-1,000 mg of calcium late in the afternoon, preferably as CalMagFizz or just Calcium Carbonate. then meditation is key. I like doing the rainbow meditation. Tell yourself that you will be asleep, or in theta brainwave state, by the time you reach violet, then focus on each color of the rainbow beginning with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet.