that's great! congrats! :)
Juicing for Life by Cherie Calboum has great recipes, and I think many are on her website. My very favorite juice - for flavor not for healing - is this:
3 large carrots
1 apple
1 peeled orange
Celery sticks
slice of lemon - just squeeze it into the glass. Better than just plain orange juice any day!
Try to mainly juice veggies. Fruit are best eaten whole. Only apples can be mixed with veggie juice, otherwise fruit is best juiced with fruit.
Here's a tasty and very cleansing cocktail:
3 large carrots - or more
1/2 beet
1 apple
inch of ginger root
handful of parsley
Mix your green veggies with carrot and only have about 2
ounces of green juices at a time to start, as they are very powerful. Spinach in particular has acids that are hard on the kidneys.