Hi Shelly hope that you are well. I just wanted to ask you what I should do when I am having a reaction to something? Before I found this form I use to have a very painful bloated stomach all the time, in resent months I have had some improvement. I would say one of the main reasons for this has been cutting out wheat, corn so on. My diet at the moment mostly consist of veg and brown rice. Howevr I have had a couple of bad days last week and again today with in moments of eating. I figure that it must have been something that I had eaten. Could have been onions though I am not sure. I know that I probably need to do a complete exclusion diet, though I am not looking forward to this as it is hard enough doing what I am doing at the moment. What I want to ask though is this? When I do eat something which makes my stomach painful and bloated what can I do about it? I think that I will try an enema, maybe with some aloe vera in. What would you suggest Shelly? Once again thank you ...Moonie ps would it be possible for you to put a way of donating to you on the frequently asked questions, because I know that I did see it somewhere and now its gone... Thanks