Hi Shelly I hope you are well!Just wanted to ask a few things that are on my mind before I hit my pillow. I am taking a few herbs at the moment and I am wondering if you know, is it more potent to take herbs as a tea or a tincture? Also can you combine them in tincture form? I have been drinking the tea, but I just cannot stomach the vitex to the point that I want to throw up, so I was thinking of trying the tincture. The other thing I wanted to ask is, whats best to take first in the morning? You see there are so many things that I am meant to take an hour before eating breakfast, that by the time I get my breakfast its early lunch! Like I am meant to take the vitex first thing and I am meant to take the chinese bitters first thing, also I am meant to take the olive and lemon drink frist thing! The thing is which do I take first and is it ok to take one stright after the other? Also I am glad that you said that it would be better for me to take the olive oil drink rather then flush. In what way does this work on improving the liver? One last qestion, i have had a brown mark on my face for the past few years, I was told by the doctor that this is an age spot, am not so old, but I think it is also called liver spots. Just resently this spot has started to divide into two smaller spots, like its being to break up, could this be a good sign? lots of questions, sorry...thanks...Moonie