oh now stress and worry don't help anything! :)
It's very possible to get candida out. The regular candida protocol will take care of it. So keep on the anti-candida diet, thorough cleansing, sweating, massage, probiotics. And just to make sure it isn't an imbalance in your major minerals, take EmergenC, or even just a bit of
Epsom Salts (teaspoon in a large glass of water), Cleansing Drink, veggie broths.
Until you flush your body with good broths like the Bieler Broth recipe, and EFAs and B vits like the Protein shake with extra eggs and liver, and do all that for at least a WEEK if not longre, I cannot say for sure WHAT it is. You must must must give your body good things, building blocks, so it can start doing waht it needs to do. Candida interrupts nutrition so much so that you MUSt nourish yourself properly to feel good.