Thanks for the advice on loss of appetite. I did everything you said and was able to eat and drink well all day. I still have mild nausea, but everything else seems to be working better.
I noticed this afternoon that my right pinky finger was sore. I turned my hand over and saw that the inside of my finger had this huge bruise between the two folds/knuckles of the finger - the bruise is on the inside, not outside of my pinky. I have no idea how you can bruise the inside of your finger. This is the pinky finger that sits along side my mouse and I do sit at at the computer all day. But bruising?? This evening, my entire pinky went numb. I put some Miracle II 7X gel all over it and it was still really numb. I then put pure melaluca oil over it and it immediately took the numbness away. For how long, I have no idea. It is now stiff and about 25% numb.
This one has me stumped. Your thoughts?