You're very welcome, although I have not beaten the endo totally. It's much much more bearable now, at least. I don't know why you are having so much burning. Where specifically is the burning? I have a lot of burning in my intestine/colon area but I think it's due to the leaky gut. I'm working on healing it. I can tell you from experience all the treatments for endo do not work, I've had almost all of them ( Depo Lupron injections, tons of various types of birth control pills, etc. ). Not to mention they are terrible and dangerous for the body! The things that have helped me the most are surgical removal of a lot of the tissue and working to get rid of candida/cleansings. I have LOTS of toxins in my body and tissues that I'm working hard to get rid of. I have a feeling that once I become more clean, my endo will be a distant memory ( a bad memeory at that, lol!! )