Accutane will mess up hair as it closes up the pores, it ends up hurting the skin over time and that hurts hair health. Nothing that you're taking should add to the problem except taking flax seed, ginseng and gingko all together like that may be too estrogenic for you - anything that changes metabolism can cause heavier hair shedding.
The first thing you want to do is increase circulation to the scalp. That means a scalp massage. Wash it quite thoroughly iwth a simple soap, preferably a castille soap like Dr. Bronners. Then massage in heated oil, preferably a combination of pure sesame (not the toasted sesame used in Chinese cuisine), coconut and almond, or just sesame, or just coconut. Massage really well and leave on all night, wash out the next morning. Repeat as often as you can.
Other good things to do to increase circulation to the scalp is to drink the cleansing drink and then lie inverted - feet higher than head - or do shoulder stands or handstands so all the blood rushes to your skull.
Keep up with colon and liver and lymph cleansing so your blood and lymphs are clean. Eat carrots and butter for the Vitamin A and other vit A sources like liver.
If the hair loss persists, get your thyroid checked.
Hope that helps! :)