Hi Shelleycat,
I have been doing a modified version of the protein shake in the a.m.s - thanks for the basic recipe. I love it. But what to do with the raw egg whites? I have been giving them to my dog. Is she in any danger of getting a biotin deficiency? I would hope that she would quit eating them when she begins to have adverse effects, since dogs are smarter than people in that aspect.
Also, are you familiar with
Lugol's Iodine? Below is a precautionary statement about not using the antioxidants with the Lugol's, but I did not understand exactly why, even though this statement says the
Lugol's is oxidative. Does this make sense to you? Do you know what effect taking these two together will have. Will they just cancel each other out? Thanks for any and all knowledge.
"Precautions: Lugol's, like bio-oxidative preparations, is oxidative. You should avoid taking anti-oxidant supplements (Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, glutithione, etc.) for the duration of your "higher-than-normal" usage of Lugol's"