Oh Marks I'm so sorry! to have a child go thru that.... :(
Okay, if this is a localized tumor, surgery should be quite successful. It is unfortunately near a lymph node (under jaw) so hopefully it is benign - fingers crossed!
Green tea is just one of many things she can do for her immune system. Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Bruddig probably have the best protocols for strengthening the immune system and replacing tumors with healthy tissues. Pauling designed the Vitamin C flush, which has had wonderful results. Bruddig was a genius at combining healing foods in such a way that the body is alkalinized, immune system and glands fed. So those are two resources I would read up on if I was every diagnosed with a cyst or tumor.
The "Juicing for Life" book has a great immune support diet that may be online on Cherie Calbom's website.
First thing she needs to do is make sure she's getting plenty of whole foods, lots of fluids, lots of super-foods to boost her nutrients. That means freshly squeezed veggie juices, organic butter, preferably the butter oil with the "factor X" nutrient, which can be purchased from the radiant health catalogue (see the sources for vits/supplements post in the FAQ for the link).
Other essential super-foods include:
coconut oil
cod liver oil
eggs & salmon (caught salmon, not farm raised)
Blue-green algea, spirulina/chlorella
bee pollen
Acerola Powder
Amalaki Powder
Azomite Mineral Powder
Evening Primrose Oil
Noni Juice
Wheat Germ Oil (best source of Vit E)
Nutritional Yeast
Hope that helps! :)
Cleansing is important too, but while she's dealing with uncertainty, a strengthening protocal would be better than dealing with the healing crisis affects of cleansing for the time being I would think.