Symptoms -- itching, burning anus, burning vagina (pelvic area) sometimes, inflammed eyes that are dry but tearing all the time,
Psoriasis on the soles of my feet, peeling lips, hair and nails are brittle, itching ear (inside) sometimes, hypoglycemia attacks, trembling, some times feel like I am jumping in/out of my skin, general weakness and fatigue and GI problems. Irritable. I blow up at any thing. Depressed. And, oh, coated tongue. Yeah ... right.
I eat more often than I should because of the hypoglycemia and have gained a lot of weight. I sleep at night, wake up in the morning, go in and lay on the couch all day watching TV and then go into bed at night. Day after day. My house needs cleaning, wash needs to be done, etc. I have no desire to cook, just run down to McDonald's or watever.
I just recently got married and my new husband thinks he got a lot more problems than he bargained for! So I have got to get myself straightened out!
I had a bunch of tests, blood, stool, urine, saliva. I get the results from these tests on the lst of Sept. I wonder what metals, parasites, yeasts, bacteria I am full of?
He put me on Vitamin B12 and folic acid to be given together IM. He said the folic acid helps the B12 to be used by the body. Lots of Vitamin C which sometimes gives me the runs and acts as a chelating agent. The most bazaar thing he ordered was Tincture of Myrrh. A drop on my tongue 2 or 3 times a day. He says it goes from the mouth and out the rear to get rid of the Candida. I put a drop in some water morning and evening to help with my sinus. And get this - I put it on the bottom of my feet for the psoriasis. And ... believe it or not ... no coated tongue, soles of my feet are getting better (lots), sinus is better, and my eyes are not inflammed and watering. I am shocked.
I have tried lots of diets with none working so came upon the Fat Flush diet. That diet is VERY similar to the candida diet. What is do different is that it calls for cranberry-water. Buy UNSWEETENED 100% cranberry juice concentrate. I buy Knudsens and mix 4oz with 52oz? of water. When I get a hypoglycemic attack or want something to eat (sweets or whatever), I drink a glass or two. And I just sip on it all day and I have NO cravings. My food digests well. The cranberry-water acts as a detox to my system and the first few days I am extremely tired. I started it last week and lost 6lbs in 4 days (water I think).
Sorry to be so long-winded. I welcome any comments, thoughts, suggestions whatever on the above.
We just have to keep on trying.