Well I was going to comment on 3 Lac since I have started taking it and noticed a difference. Immediately. so I may as well do it here.
I have only taken it for 3 days. My eyes are slimy in the AM when I get up and there after for a few hours each day. As soon as I take the 3 LAc that goes away. So I will keep you posted but it seems to be working already. My chiro seems to feel 2-3 months and it will be gone.
History: I have had candida for a long time. I have been sick for a long time.... CF and fibro symptoms but of course no perfect diagnosis. So I have slowly dropped alot of the symtoms of those with numerous solutions. I am feeling quite good but the candida came back because I stopped taking Primal Defense. That helped immensely. But obviously it is not gone. So I wouldn't say PD was useless. It helped heal my gut and contain the BEAST. But now off of it for 4 months and it has returned. However my chiropractor suggested Three Lac since he took it 4 years ago for a bad case of yeast and it went away. He said for good. And he is a homeopath also and did not have any thing else to work on it. So $30 dollars for Primal and $50 dollars for 3 lac and I figured I'd try that. Yes I have been hesitant to try anything because 3 - 6 months of anything at an average $50 a pop and then you are back where you started. I will keep you posted if it returns after the 3 months. So maybe next jan or feb I will find out. good luck. Of course we are all different but so far I can tell the difference.