Anything that kills candida will help acne.
Acne is thought to be toxins escaping thru the skin so it would help you. However, everything usually gets worse before it gets better when trying to rid oneself of candida. This is called die off. And any symptoms you are experiencing can get worse initially. Not sure if this will help you but it has helped me and have no more ance. I wash my face twice a day, both time using a rough washcloth ( clean each time or each day) I scrub in a circular motion. I have no more acne. I believe that dead skin cells were clogging my pores and not letting the toxins escape ergo pimples.
P B shakes can only help since they clean out the intestine. Your whole entire body is dependant on the health of your intestine. Whether you have candida or not, it is important to cleanse the bowel of impurities. I find using pb and c shakes along with enemas has done wonders for me.