Hi everybody!
After I had
Antibiotics , I experienced candida problems. Just before I took them, I never had a single health problem. For 12 years now (bloating, diarrhea,
Depression (last year), dizzyness, anxiety, irreality feelings, very severe joints pain, craving for sugars, intolerance to dairy products and to anti-inlammatory pills (worst is advil), very persistent genital yeast infection (for 3 years). Doctors make me pass all the test and their conclusion is that I have nothing. I am in perfect health and they always sent me back home with a ton of anti fungal cream and pills. Neither Fluoconazole nor other western antifungals were working after the first time I had use it. For the first time last week, i just tried something that works. No more bloating, no more diarrhea, no more genital rash. Note that I am on a strict low
Sugar diet and no dairy products.
I am living in Chengdu, Sichuan and tired to be sick I paid a visit to a chinese doctor. At first, when he saw me he immediately knew what was my problem. He sent me to the chinese drugstore with my prescription. After 3-4 days my problems were effectively disappearing. After 10 days, I have no anymore symptoms. The faster improvements were in my genital area.
This is the recipe: If you search on the net with the chinese terms you will find the english translation. Now you get it in french, because I am french speaking. Dont try to do it by yourself though. Proportions are very important and you remove our replace one single thing and its not anymore the same medication. Make sure that you see the chinese doctor first. He may change the mix according to your own case. But you can show him that list, it will give him an idea.
(This is for 4 days, 3 times a day). I took it for 9 days just to be sure.
Gentiane 10 grammes (long dan cao)
Gardenia 12 grammes (zhi zi)
Racine de scultellaire 15 grammes (huang qin)
Racine de buplevre 15 grammes (chai hu)
Rhizome de rehmannia glutinosa 20 grammes (sheng di)
Herba plantaginis 30 grammes (che qian cao)
Alisme (Plantain d eau) 15 grammes (ze xie)
Akebie 12 grammes (mu tong)
Reglisse 10 grammes (gan cao)
Angelique 10 grammes (dang gui)
Racine de sophora flavescens 15 grammes (ku sheng)
Smilax glabre 15 grammes (tu tu ling)
Dictame 15 grammes (bai xian pi)
Fructus kochiae (Broom cypress fruit) 15 grammes (di fu zi)
Kadsura root-bank cortex kadsurae radicis 15 grammes (zi jin pi).
Good luck and I ll answer your following questions! Do not hesitate.