Yogurt, or even kefir, can not eliminate candida. Lactobacteria alone can not reverse a well established candida overgrowth. An intestine overgrown with candida is too toxic an enviornment for the lactobacteria to live, let alone colonize. However, once the candida has been reduced to a vey low level the lactobacteria can colonize the intestine and prevent future candida overgrowths.
I would like to emphasize the point. Lactobacteria probiotics, by themselves, are worthless in treating a well established candida overgrowth. Lactobacteria can only occupy intestinal wall space that has already been cleared of candida by an antifungal agent and diet.
I fermented yogurt from cow's milk. I used "super strains" from probiotic capsules as my starter. I consumed at least a cup a day. Remember, we're looking at this "yogurt" as a a very low cost source of tens of billions of lactobacteria, not a smooth, creamy foodstuff.
I would also like to emphasis just how low I had to beat back the candida before the probiotic yogurt was effective. I am sure that I had a candida overgrowth at some level for many years. I went through die-off, after die-off, after die-off. On many occasions I asked myself, "where is all this candida coming from"? I wasn't cheating on my diet, obviously my intestines were justed loaded with candida. It took much more time and effort to rid myself of the candida than I had originally imagined. I certainly hope that other people have an easier time of it than I did.