I do not fully understand what you mean by 'active candida infection in the brain'. I am, like everyone else, building up a knowledge of candida through experience, reading, and interaction with others where possible, such as this site. I am not a doctor.
However, I have ready that systemic candida, once there is a pathway out of the gut, which there is when leaky gut occurs, that it colonizes around the body. I understand, again from reading and research over two years, using the internet, libraries, bookshops and specialist organizations, that once this occurs, then 'pockets' of candida will colonize where it is carried in the blood and finds a niche. This includes the brain. I understand that
Arthritis is caused (or should I say, one cause of arthritis), is candida settling in the joints of vulnerable people.
My sister, who is older than I am, was on long term disability for several years due to arthritis. Having followed the candida plan for 18 months, she is slim, fell walking every weekend, and has started her own small business. She is 80%+ pain free and feels that she has her life back.
Back to candida colonizing in the brain. Much research is being done into the relationship of candida with schizophrenia, with a high success rate. Indeed, I know someone who has had systemic candida for many many years, who was diagnosed with this terrible illness, and who is now functioning normally. SHe puts her recovery totally down to the candida plan, although she is still battling with the tail end of it.
Whether all this means there are colonies living in the brain, or the chemicals from other colonies entering the brain (the brain uses the same blood supply as the rest of the body, I believe), is largely immaterial. However, regarding whether someone would be dead if that occurred, it is a well known fact that unchecked candida leads to tumours and the breakdown of the body's ability to maintain its own health, which does, eventually of course, lead to death. Candida is not a killer in itself, but left long enough it destroys its host.