Yes, the
root canal is really being a problem. It's an upper left molar. I think it's been aggravating my sinuses among other things, plus aching on that side of my head. I even have a sore throat at times, and I am even getting red eyes lately that feel hot. (if that makes any sense) And a little puffiness in the area above the eyes. I noticed when I was several days on the
Antibiotics my red eyes started going away, but then of course when my yeast infection aggressively flared up I quit the
Antibiotics without finishing them. Now my eyes are red again.
I talked to a dentist office that uses "biologically compatible material" for root canals, but it costs $3000.00 per tooth, which I can't afford. I don't see how putting more stuff inside the
root canal is going to get rid of any infection, so you are probably right. I would rather have a missing tooth than poor health, especially with the way I'm feeling. But I will get on the
root canal forum and ask more questions.
Until I see the dentist, in the meantime I will do the boric acid, and I will also try the coconut oil.
Thanks again!