based on the priciples of food combining, fruits should not be mixed with any other food because they digest so quickly, that by the time they reach your stomach, they are already partially digested. it id said if you mix them with other foods including vegetables, their digestion will be slowed causing them to rot and ferment. however, Victoria Boutenko says in her book Green For Life that the idea that leafy greens are vegetables is incorrect. She says that starchy vegetables mixed with fruit will cause fruit to ferment, but leafy greens, which are a different food with different nutrients, enhances the digestion of all foods. she says that putting leafy greens in the same class with starchy vegetables has incorrectly led many nutritionists to believe that all vegetables combined with fruit causes fermentaion when it is only the starchy veggies that do that. To answer your first question the easiest veggies to digest are leafy greens such as lettuce,kale,or spinach. you can make them into green smoothies which further enhances digestion. here's my favorite recipe. 1 apple, 1 avocado, a handful of spinch, tsp of lemon juice, pinch of stevia blend it all up sprinkle on some cinnammon and flax seed and enjoy. YUM