Very intersting Magnolia I read thru your whole web page. .Good for you for those exposing crooks. I am sure there are many more jerks out there taking advantage of the sick. Some of the products like Primal Defense and even Three lac I do not trust. I don't trust any of them. They provide a product marketing it as a one stop shop solution and severly overcharging the consumer. I have never bought into the hype. I never once purchased one of those products. Instead I find using a separate probiotc, antifungal that I can change up and rotate, and plenty of minerals along with diet has been my approach. I would say for four months now I have really been going at it seriously. I am a million times better than I was even in Jan and February. Albiet not cured ...yet.
I feel like human guinea pig testing things out on myself which sometimes results in even more suffering until I can figure out what is happening. I have gone thru hell basically for the last 7 years. Hell and a terrible nightmare.
We are getting it from every angle. Drs. who refuse to admit an illness exists( the same drs that poisoned us to begin with),the food industry promoting and encouraging foods that are killing us, the natural health industry selling us water in a bottle and calling it wine. All of it takes advantage of the depserately ill. It makes me soooo angry that when I am well and have more energy I constantly mull over what I want to do about it. How to get the word out. It's sad because the gernal public has been brainwashed. When I converse with a person and start to tell them some of the truth ...I get some funny looks or I get blown off.
They would feel differently if they suffered as we have and maybe they need to learn the hard way.
Even last night on the Larry King show he interviewed a woman with MS who wrote a book for sufferers. It talks all about the what medicine can do for MS now. I have an idea... HOW ABOUT CURING IT NATURALLY...But that never comes up. Instead people want to accept their hardship and pop pills. It is driving me nuts.