your making this out to be a detox.
the regular candida protocol is anti fungal and probiotic.
optional liver and colon products. the antifungal works in the intestines and colon.
the reason why everyone here is on many products because they have other defiecencies. So take what you need. Many doctors will just give you stuff just to make sure or to sell you extras. keep a good eye on that.
also many people HERE have more than candidA or do not even have it!!
Thsi board is very popular so people come here for most of their problems.
1 colon hydrotherapy
biotics adp = google
liver cleanse - thorne research
i also took magnesium and l-glutamine
so at the end of the day you will probably due a detox. Might as well since you are ont he diet cleanse every organ.
Also your body is constantly detoxing if you eat the right foods!!! Get it. Thats straight from my doc. I kept telling him do I need this vitamin etc. and he kept telling me NO!! your eating the food that supplies it.