I have a very, very bad sinus infection with an excessively high fever and was given a 5 day prescrition of anti-biotics. I have been using a simple probiotic of acidoph. at the opposite time of day to help off-set the AB, as well as using a high quality organic yogurt. On day 4, at 2:30 in the morning I woke from a sound sleep to rush to the bathroom where I spent the next 3 hours. The full day following I was miserable. I had to say in a 20 foot radius of a restroom at all times.
I spoke with my nutritional pharmacist and he recomended a brand of pro-biotic to be taken at a different time (i.e. anti in the morning, pro in the evening). The type he gave me has 50 billion live cultures per capsule. He said that with the yogurt and the probiotic, it should stop the scoots very quickly. Well, that was last Friday evening, and I am even more miserable now. I'm afraid to eat or drink anything and pardon the bluntness, by my backside is raw from the butt-pee.
Can too many probiotics have the same effect as anti-biotics?