Hi Evan,
The more acidic a person is and the more Toxins a person has stored in their body, the greater the reactions may be as they try to remove their Toxins and Acids!
This is one of the reasons why I suggest for one to change their Diet and stop eating those foods which are making them too Acidic and start taking a small pinch of
Epsom Salt with each meal and to start taking the other suggestions of different Alkalizing drinks and Alkalizing Minerals etc!
Then to take it slowly when they start to do anykind of Detox bath and or flush and or fast and or Cleanse, as the more Toxin Laden their body is to begin with, the more problems they may have when trying to remove the Toxins and excess Acids!
Your mother may do well to just start with foot soaks for a month or so, till she has change her Diet enough to have gotten enough Alkaline Minerals into her body to help buffer the Toxins and excess Acids which she has stored in her body!
Smile Tis your choice.