Hi Cocoalover. Please, under no circumstances eat a container of Dannon Activa. It is loaded with fructose, sugar, and the lactose remaining in the cultured milk. We can't blame Dannon too much, you have to make things sweet if want to sell them to the masses, and this product is not not specifically marketed to candida sufferers.
Use one four ounce container as starter for one
quart of home fermented yogurt. Ferment the yogurt for 24 hours.
I try not to recommend a product until I have evaluated it for a reasonable period of time. There are a lot of people on this board who have been ill for extended periods of time. I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be when even a well intentioned person gives advise that turns out to be yet another dead end.
That having been said, I like this product. Before I had finished my first quart, I was experiencing signs of possible attempted implantation. Those signs included constant "churning" in my gut, and to be blunt, copious amounts of intestintal gas.
Intestinal gas is the byproduct of micro-organisms feeding in the guts. Since everything in my diet had been held constant, and the "churning" and gas immediately followed ingesting the Activa, it reasonable to assume that the patented Bifidus Regularis strain was attempting to set up house in my large intestine.
Bifidus cleans up the large intestine. The real goal is implantation of L. Acidophilus in the small intestine. However, Bifidus is widely recognised as being very helpful in supporting the implantation of L. Acidophilus. A step in the right direction is always a good thing. You don't kill candida with one stroke, you slowly beat it to death punch by punch, day by day.
My treatment regimen has been time released caprylic acid paired with megadosing with various "super strains". I prefer not to post on my treatment until I am more certain of the results. But I will say this, I am guardedly optimistic.
You need a yogurt maker if you want to attempt megadosing. One small 500ml bowl of home fermented yogurt can have more beneficial organisms than 100 capsules. And since Dannon doesn't make a plain, unsweetened Activa, home fermentation is the only way to try Bifidus Regularis.