> Agnes said to eat a lot of oil after the cleanse---
>what type of oil" flax? or any kind?
Olive, flax, fish oil (or short boiled fish), or any other expeller pressed (cold pressed), non- refined (healthfood store), non-heated (best kept refrigerated), natural oil that you can tolerate.
Some people cannot tolerate flax oil, other cannot tolerate corn oil, other cannot tolerate milk fat, other cannot tolerate sunflower oil, other cannot tolerate almond oli, or walnut oil, or ....
What you can't tolerate, don't eat.
What you can, you should eat often!
Most people can tilerate Olive oil, and most people can eat some kind of fish.
Quite many people can tilerate raw milk, sour cream, raw coconut,...
> And what does this do?
Good oils prevent stone formation, by stimulating bile production, bile flow and bile excretion!
Stones are created inside liver and gallbladder when bile is stagnant, when people don't eat good fat, when people don't eat green foods, when people don't drink enough water, when people don't eat enough water soluable fibers, when people eat reafined foods(refined salt, refined oils, margarine, fried foods ) ...