Hi Jhan,
Any time a person has a swollen area in the body, this is because that part of the body is too Acidic!!
Vit C is Acidic and if one takes Vit C and does NOT have enough Alkaline Minerals for this Vit C acid to react against, then one may make the problem worse!!
What is required to correct the problem, is to obtain an Alkaline Energy Release, this means that an acid is required to react against Alkaline Minerals in order to obtain this kind of an Energy release!!
If the body does not contain enough reserve of Alkaline Minerals and you add more Acids into the body, then you may cause the problem to become worse!!!
If one is short of Alkaline Minerals, then it is important to supply the Alkaline Minerals First to react against the excess acids already in the digestive system, in order to start correcting the problem!!
First in order, is to flush the toxins out of the colon with an enema and then re-establish the friendly digestive flora , so one may then begin the process of Healing!!
For to add any kind of food to a putrified waste heap in the digestive system, only ends up with more putrified waste!!
Smile Tis your choice.