Tyler Durden
Many of us on the forum have tried
Liver Flushing but with limited results. Mine went ok, and I evacuated 'stones'/sludge, with subtle (albeit temporary) improvements, yet the results I was hopeful for and looking to attain didn't happen.
Some of my Candida/IBS/Leaky Gut type symptoms include the following: dry and sometimes itchy eyes, lack of sweat (have read recently on the forums also from various other people who claim they, like me, can exert themselves physically and the body doesn't excrete much sweat), general lack of saliva (good food for example used to make my mouth water like crazy, only does a little now), and food seemingly not being digested enough, amongst many other symptoms, some more adverse than others.
Being someone who tries to look at problems scientifically, I can observe a commonality amongst many of the above. Dry eyes=lack of tear duct secretions? Little saliva=lack of salivary gland activity.. lack of digestion=insufficiency of stomach acid and/or liver secretions? Low body temperature, which has been associated with underactive thyroid GLAND. Adrenal GLAND deficiency problems. What do many of the candidiasis symptoms have in common- *glandular* secretions are low. Something seems to be adversely affecting the activity of glandular function, and the liver is nothing if not a giant *gland*. So it could be possible that although the liver is part of the equation here, we're putting the cart before the horse with doing
Liver Flushes since the flushing itself may not be effective against the fungal infection?