Hi Sunshine123,
It is difficult to answer your question without knowing what was in the food; could be one, or several of the ingredients of the product. Even then, it would be difficult to answer, and an assumption at best, as we all tend to respond differently... one mans food is another mans poison... that said, if you try it again and get the same response, you know something about the food is affecting you in some way.
If you feel it is a negative reaction, stay away from it; if you feel it is a detox reaction, proceed with smaller doses.
It could be you are more of a protein metabolic type and do not do well with these types of foods. I tend to be that way. Too much on the grains, even sprouted, and I tend to get tired and hungry (it does not satisfy me).
Dr. Mercola stated in a program I attended that the metabolic typing takes the
Blood Type Diet to the next level. It makes a lot of sense in that there is no one size fits all in diet, exercise or your own personal health journey.
best wishes in your journey to better health,