i realize everyone is different but in this case it does appear to be affecting this person where they are not going to the bathroom on their own and that is not healthy or normal. i was told by jhan that i should do
colonics everyday if i do not have a bowel movement and in my personal opinion that is dangerous and too harsh on the body.
colonics are even more invasive and harsh than enemas - and once a week seems like a whole lot to me! as you said everyone is different, everyone has a right to their own opinion, and it is my opinion that in this particular case doing a
colonic every week is having a negative impact on their body. when i did my enema i did not have a bm for four days and believe me i ate plenty in those four days so it was not due to my bowels being empty.
sometimes i wonder if it takes some on here a lot longer to heal because of all the crazy things they are doing to try and get better. it just seems like a lot of people keep shocking their system over and over again with flushing weird things up their butt, and ingesting hydrogen peroxide, removing fillings, pulling teeth, reversing root canals...etc etc etc.
i mean if it seems to be helping a lot then who i am i to tell anyone what to do. i can only speak for myself when i say that i would rather go slowly and actually give my body a chance to fight a bit on its own.