I recently developed what I believe to be excema all over my face and neck. I was told I had it as a child, but have enjoyed perfect skin for 30 yrs or so... except for my dry scalp. About 4 mo ago I noticed a dry spot on my face about the size of a quarter that would not clear up no matter how much moisturizer I applied. My facial products are aloe based (formulated by a naturalpathic dr) and I've used them for over a yr now. We've been a little more stressed these past mths which hasn't helped (A dear friend passed away new yrs day... among other things). I also had my mercury fillings removed the mth of December (7 total)... which I know was too much to do at one time, but my dentist disagreed. Anyway, I've read that yeast could also be a culprit. I consider myself pretty healthy at least compared to those around me. I take my probiotics, oils and other vit/supp. I'm in the 2nd day of my first
Liver Flush (blah! :D).
Can anyone give me the 101 on what I need to know about a candida cleanse? What's the best? I had bought a cleanse by "NOW", however I wonder how strong/effective it was. I know I should stay away from white flour, sugar... I don't eat hydrogented oils... I think I'm on the right track... I also want to do the
Master-Cleanse soon. Thank you for your help! :D)