I think its vital to address any underlying infections or conditions which are stressing the immune system. Candida cannot survive in a healthy system, but it is opportunistic so if the immune defenses are down (like having the flu or wiping the flora with
Antibiotics ) it can emerge but as soon as the immune system kicks out whatever underlying condition that is stressing, than candida levels should return to normal.
People who are constantly battling candida and go on diets to starve the albicans can feel better but some go back to square one because they are simply reducing the candida population (which is always present and kept in check in the digestive system of a healthy person). If candida grows, its because it is allowed to do so (or kept unchecked) so its important to keep the candida in check via the immune system and not by starving it (granted the candida diet is a
healthy Diet on its own). Sensitivities to candida waste products need to be addressed as this stresses the immune system even further.
If the immune system is constantly fighting an underlying infection (or any stressing factor) 24/7 then it certainly allows other things to propagate which normally wouldnt if the immunity wasnt compromised. Reducing the stress load on the immune system is critical for health. This means removing stress factors (toxins).
Obviously these stress factors are ranked (and variates between individuals) but by removing one of these already can kickstart the immune system make the person feel better.
In my opinion, dental procedures like
root canals and metal toxicity via
Amalgams and crowns are generally top stress factors that go unchecked. This is because they affect the whole system without offering many options on detecting the actual source of problems (at least through allopathic medicine).
I had 2 of 3
root canals removed 3 weeks ago and generally I feel better (the last root canaled tooth is still in my mouth and it was after this one that my health started to degrade). One of the teeth removed had a cyst and the other one had an improperly placed crown that allowed bacteria to breed inside it (when he removed the crown there was a strong stench and gooey stuff in it). 2 days ago my cheekbone area was swollen and painful to the touch because apparently my body rejected a large piece of collagen that was placed after one extraction to speed up healing between the sinus cavity and mouth (had a hole), so after that collagen piece came out (along with huge amount fluid that was behind it and causing pressure) the area was no longer swollen or had any pain.
Also Im currently trying to provide my body with all cell ready nutritients (in case my digestive system has a hard time to assimilate things) to prevent any deficiencies. I'm taking cell ready liquid minerals and vitamins, aminoacids, EFAs and glyconutrients.
Will update after my last
root canal and a crown is removed in 3 weeks.