Mike, regarding the bite of extracted teeth, yeah, you're going to have to get bridges for the missing teeth, because my mom's dentist, the one I'm not going back to, did tell her that if you don't replace the empty space, it screws things up. For instance, if the missing teeth are on the bottom, the top teeth will start shifting downwards to fill in the space. And I'm not trying to sound vain here, but the thought of walking around noticable gaps in my mouth is not appealing to me. What is so weird looing back, is how often I've had dreams of my teeth either falling out or being loose and wiggling them. I always freak out and get very upset when I have these dreams, because my teeth and the appearance of a beautiful smile are very important to me. I always thought the teeth dreams were metaphors for something else, but now I am wondering if it was in some way trying to tell me of a possible infection. Weird huh?
Regarding my friend, she is very hard to get a hold of. I sent her an email about the manuscript and will let you know what she says. She's super busy and involved with a lot of groups and projects. I will let you know what I find out. I have to tell you, I told my mom about the tooth/candida connection and she nearly flipped out. Now mind you, my mom has THE WORST dental problems forever. I was lucky and got my dad's side of the family teeth. Anwyay, my mom in her infinite candida wisdom, or should I say, lack of education, said that root canals that are done today are not dangerous and they don't put amalgams in them anymore, and that the only things that causes candida is poor dietary habits (I'm overweight, so anything she can say to point that out, she loves to do - however, I am overweight BECAUSE of the candida - hello!) and was insinuating that I'd be a fool to have my teeth pulled out. I'm not trying to sound superior or anything, but I have done countless hours of research on my condition, as well as heavy metal toxicity and I think I know just a tad more about this subject than she does. Ugh! Just makes me so mad sometimes. Those who do not suffer from what we do really don't understand. It's so frustrating. Ok, just needed to vent. Thanks!