"Did you ever notice that you found the smell of wheatgrass nauseating when you first started taking it? How bout now? I could not imagine drinking a heavy volume of the stuff without adding peppermint oil or something to mask the taste. Is it because my body is still toxic that the wheatgrass is off putting?
What is your protocol? How much do you take, when do you take it, etc."
I am a rather intuitive eater. Some days I will have copious amounts of wheat grass, then on other days I may have very little. My protocol is to live in the moment and make choices that reflect that moment in an empowering way that fits in with my life purpose.
I think our belief systems determine our current relationships with things such as people, activites and yes, even wheatgrass. It's all a grand energy dance of cohernecy at many levels. The key is to recreate yourself in a clear, cohesive manner so that it all fits together in a dynamic balance. Our belief systems are powerful energy filters. They either work for us to create harmony or they work powerfully against us. SO what I am suggesting is change your mind about what wheatgrass tastes like etc. Of course this can be hard at first because 95% of our "programming" is in our subconscious mind which is about 95% of our perceptive power and only about 5% comes from our cosncious mind. So you could try to clear your subconscious with a clearing technique such as EFT.
Many years ago I was not in a place (mentally) where wheat grass would have "tasted good." Now it does, and more than that I can percieve it's life force while I drink it. The difference lies in my perception (belief system) about wheatgrass and not the wheatgrass itself. The world changes when we change.