I've been using two formulas sold by Golden Flower Chinese Herbs called Intestinal Fungus Formula and Pulsatilla Intestinal Formula. The first one is specifically for the fungus or parasites, and the second one is supposed to help the lining of the intestinal tract heal. The formulator is Paul Fratkin, and he has a really good paper about Leaky Gut on the Golden Flower Chinese Herbs website.
In the past, I've used the stuff to help me get better, then I have a bad habit of forgetting about the fact that candidiasis and leaky gut are the main causes of my problems. So then I stop using it, let up on my diet, and get back in the same boat again. I started cleaning up my diet and using this stuff again last week and started to feel better pretty quickly. This time around I know a little bit more about what to do, though. I've found that I definitely have to use something to clean out my intestinal tract while using the Golden Flower Chinese Herbal formulas. I can tell now that it works, but doesn't keep things coming out fast enough, and then I'll get symptoms such as abdominal pains, headaches, and back pain. To keep things moving out I use two different products: Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel Formula and two things from -
Bowel Cleanse and JRN. The JRN makes more toxins come out with the bowel cleanse. I always take stuff for my liver, and then I found out that until you clean and heal the intestinal tract, it is a loosing battle because the toxins will continuously overwhelm your liver.
Sorry if this is much more than you asked for, but I hope you find it helpful.