Minine is very right, water intake is important.
Furthermore, you must remember that candida is forming a net into your bowels so it slows down the intestinal transit by keeping fibers from getting through. When I started seeing candida (white threads) in my stool, there was fiber stuck into it, the fiber had managed to drag it down.... but before it does, it gets tuck in there and make the bm difficult.
ANOTHER fantastic yet simple thing to do is to do abdominal exercises. You do not need to exert yourself, a simple breathing exercise will do.
Often enough abonimal muscles become weak (due to lackof magnesium, for candida depletes mag and your metabolism goes into the muscle to get some out of your deficient intake).
So - first thing in the morning, breathing exercise, pushing your stomach all the way down - 10 to 20 times. Followed by 2 or 3 glasses of water. To be fully effective, you should carry on with exercises and water (and not eat) until you get
a bm.
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