It was a great show with David as George Noory's main guest. He touched on the usual raw food principles such as the benefits of cocoa beans, superfoods, leafy green vegetables, juicing, sprouting, high mineralization, etc. George also asked him if he thought that the corporate food giants were trying to control things and squash health momevements such as raw food through means like disinfo etc, and David answered with a resounding yes and gave his take on it. He also explained it by saying that as bad as things seem (conspiracy etc which he belives with his heightened awareness to be true0 things are balanced in the other direction too. Things can be great too deppending on your awareness and how you set your sail.
He also discussed what water he drinks after 10 years of focused study on water. He drinks spring water because he feels it has a balanced aspect between the mother and father natures(spiritual attributes). The mother being the earth and the father being the cosmic aspect (including of course the sun and its energy. This water has the most natural frequency and highest life force energy). He goes one step further by utilizing the knowledge of Dr. Emoto by placing labels on his water imparting it with specific intentions such as "love", "joy", "energy" etc (I do the same).
ANother interesting distinction he made was to the master cleanse. In working with many people he found that swapping maple syrup with good quality honey and also adding
Sea Salt , the cleanse was enhanced dramatically.
Several callers called in (none were negative towards him) and explained how they have been dramatically helped by being on a raw foods diet. All in all a very entertaining show.