Something I think you really should think about is that there is no "one" single protocal for candida. there a numerous different approaches out there that can be completely opposite in their approach. so, when you are reading posts from various people, please keep in mind that not all advice is compatible, and may or may not fit in with your approach.
Some people, like myself, focused on body cleansing, eating a healthful diet, and lifestyle changes, to recover completely. While i used antifungals early on, I soon formed the opinion that they only treat symptoms and stopped using them. same can be said for probiotics... neither antifungals not probiotics were a part of how i recovered.
so, in short, read up a bit more on the different protocals. The protocal recommended by curezone is a good start, as well as other posters here... just keep in mind that its not necessary to copy everything people are doing. try and form a consistent plan and stick to for awhile.
John g