> "Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part
I have no heartburn. And I sleep well laying down, with no heartburn.
I've had a sore throat for almost
two years now, its gotten worse in the past 9 months. An ENT
doctor scoped me and said the vocal cords were swollen, the tonsils
were swollen and there was excess mucuous in the throat. She thought
I had a sinus infection and had a CAT scan run of the sinuses. Clear.
She said it could be reflux, even tho I do not have the traditional
symptoms. Or chronic tonsillitis.
I saw a new chiropractor last week, he said I had reflux,
the sphincter(sp?)valves in my upper abdomen were not closing.
I will see him again this Friday. The reason I know the classic reflux
signs are my husband had it very bad, coudln't sleep laying down. He had
his surgically corrected about 5 years ago, he is A-1. And he was in
very bad condition.