Alien - I think you'll find that all the Sauerkraut available in Australia, which in turn has been imported from either Germany or Poland, is unpasteurised. I've tried several brands and the effects all seem to be the same to me. If you are still concerned, there is a really expensive brand that is organic and specifies that the product is made from fermented white cabbage (and not pasteurised). I forget what the brand is called but it is available at the Superbarn at Five Dock, in inner western Sydney. It costs about $4-98 from meory for a 900 gram jar. Other brands are significantly cheaper and range in price from $2-50 to $3-90 per jar/can. I prefer to buy the jars.
Also, when you are in Sydney, go to Spiral Foods in Annandale and buy a carton of Umeboshi at the wholesale price. In this carton you will get 12 packets, each with about 19 Umeboshi plums inside. I take about 5 plums a day. The carton will cost you about $99-00, but its a wholsesale price, and consider that if you but it retail direct from a health food store, each packet costs around $10-00 (therefore the equivalent of a carton would cost around $120-00). So theres a significant saving in buying it wholesale, plus the staff at Spiral will give you all sorts of literature about the product. I can't say enough about Umeboshi. It is also a fermented food, which hels with digetion, and basically turns the intestines into an unliveable place for candida.
I will be on leave for the next three weeks, and will most likely not have access to the net whilst I am away, but when I return I can address any questions you may have, considering we experienced the same medical condition ,and live in the same country. I am battled this for 11+ years, and have spent tens of thousands of dollars on treatments (most imported from overseas), as well as tests, and visits to doctors, naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, acupunturists, and so forth.