Raw food won't cure it, (nothing outside yourself will)
but your body can, once it is on a clean, nutrient rich, efficient, natural diet such as raw food. It's all about creating the optimal balance so your body's innate wisdom can do what it is capable of. I have read detailed story after story of not only raw foods creating an optimal environment in people's bodies so all of their afflictions fell away, but that most of these people felt better than they ever remember in their lives.
Cleansing the accumulated toxins in your body will also be necessary as will cleaninng up your external environment (mold, cleaners, chemicals, etc)
If going raw, I do recomend transitioning slowly as to not shock your body and also allow your body to harmonize with this lifestyle.
It is also important to utilize organic foods which have many times more nutrient content that regular produce and drastically reduced amounts of harmful chemicals(pesticides, GMO, iradiation, additives, gassing, etc)as well. Many people complain about the higher price of organic food but this is a poor arguement in that you can eat less and get more nutrition out of your food and not be poisoned ongoing in the process. The ideal situation is to have land and grow your own. With a little knowledge, you can grow food that has 50 to 60 times the nutrient content as regular food, grows quicker and is disease resistant (full mineral content in soil as oppsed to severly mineral deplete soil as in regularly grown produce).
I have studied many diets and believe, without hesitatio, that a well thought out raw lifestlyle is the absolute optimal diet for people wanting to live long, healthy, lives.
Raw food won't cure it, (nothing outside yourself will)
but your body can, once it is on a clean, nutrient rich, efficient, natural diet such as raw food. It's all about creating the optimal balance so your body's inate wisdom can do what it is capable of. I have read detailed story after story of not only raw foods creating an optimal environment in people's bodies so all of their afflictions fell away, but that most of these people felt better than they ever remember in their lives.
Cleansing the accumulated toxins in your body will also be necessary as will cleaninng up your external environment (mold, cleaners, chemicals, etc)
If going raw, I do recomend transitioning slowly as to not shock your body and also allow your body to harmonize with this lifestyle.
It is also important to utilize organic foods which have many times more nutrient content that regular produce and drastically reduced amounts of harmful chemicals(pesticides, GMO, iradiation, additives, gassing, etc)as well. Many people complain about the higher price of organic food but this is a poor arguement in that you can eat less and get more nutrition out of your food and not be poisoned ongoing in the process. The ideal situation is to have land and grow your own. With a little knowledge, you can grow food that has 50 to 60 times the nutrient content as regular food, grows quicker and is disease resistant (full mineral content in soil as oppsed to severly mineral deplete soil as in regularly grown produce).
I have studied many diets and believe, without hesitatio, that a well thought out raw lifestlyle is the absolute optimal diet for people wanting to live long, healthy, lives.