Hi I have had explosive diarrhoea for the last couple of weeks. I think it is die off but I just don't know. It started with doing a couple of 2 litre enemas, then I use grapefruit seed caps for a few days(which seemed to make it worse) and now I am on threelac and its still going on. I have used the threelac for about ten days and moved from useing one a day to two a day, yesterday. The thing though that I wanted to ask was this. I have alot of pelvic and bowel inflammation due to endometriosis and I wanted to try
Colloidal Silver , because its said to be good for internal inflammation and a good immune supporter. However it also kills bacteria and I am wondering if this also means good bacteria, which I really don't want to be doing? I don't know much at all about Colloidal Sliver so any advice here would be apprieciated. Thanks Moonie